Wednesday, June 15, 2011


1.) What is your stance on religion? Would you affiliate yourself with any?
2.) What band/musician is most important to you? Explain why.
3.) you could chose a time period to be born in, which one would it be and why?
4.) Name five things from your wish list.
5.) Do you read? If so, what are your three favorite books and why?
6.) If you could live anywhere, where would you live and why?
7.) How old do you think you act? Explain.
8.) If you could only live off of one food and one beverage for the rest of your days, what would they be?
9.) What is your favorite quote? How does it relate to your life?
10.) What item of clothing do you wear the most?
11.) What can you not live without?
12.) Name things that you do every day.
13.) Who is someone you admire? Why?
14.) If the world were to end tomorrow, what would you do with your remaining time on earth?
15.) What do you want to be when you get older? Why did you choose it?
16.) If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would it be? What would you say to them or ask them?
17.) What is your favorite film?
18.) Would you consider yourself an optimist or a realist? Why?
19.) do you want children? Why or why not?
20.) What subject did you exceed in at school?
21.) How attractive do you consider yourself?
22.) Would you rather date someone plain with an amazing personality or someone beautiful with a plain personality?
23.) Choose two: mentally stable, intelligent, attractive. Explain why you chose those two.
24.)What do you prefer: film or television? Why?
25.) If you could choose to live forever, would you? Why or why not?
26.) Do you wish for anything at 11:11? If so, what do you wish for? Has anything ever come true?
27.) What do you imagine your life like at age fifty?
28.) Have you ever been in love?
29.) What does your name mean? Why were you given your name?

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