Friday, September 30, 2011

Spread the loveeeeeeeeeeeee

Self harm.. is a disease. An addiction. A grossly spreading epidemic that has swept the nation's boys and girls, men and women, of all ages and colors and situations alike.
Self mutilation, like all other addictions, is difficult to quit. But what is most difficult about it is that it makes virtually no sense. You do not enjoy the pain.. yet you live for it, thrive off of it, hate it, love it, but most of all... you need it.
No one should feel so much pain physcologicaly that they are reduced to hurting themselves physically.
Free yourself.
We can all free ourselves.
Even if that means carving it into our legs with a blade.. that will forever scar our souls with our strength.

Never give up.

Spread the word.
Love is louder