I'm pretty sure the name of the beach is "Hope." Pretty coincidental with what we're all going through in my family right now.
Friday, July 22, 2011
I failed to mention that I'm going up north next week!!! We're leaving on Sunday! We're staying in a little cottage on a beach about 3 hours from here. "We" being my Grandma, my mom, my sister, my uncle, my aunt, my great grandpa and I. I'm going to take zillions of pictures and I will post them along with all of my adventures that I go on! : )
Here We Go Again..
My dad got home from work yesterday, sunburned and exhausted, as usual. He went into the fridge and he started to shout at me for not eating something that he could've taken in his lunch. I thought it was a little odd, but thought nothing of it.
When my mom got home from work, he said something to her and all of a sudden was telling her to shut the eff up because he was a grown ass man and he can do whatever the eff he wants to, and blah blah blah. Suddenly I put two and two together and I realized, oh my god I bet he relapsed.
Before I knew what was happening, my mom, my little sister and I were flying down the freeway on the way to grammy's house.
Grammy's house is now my house. We're all done with the hurting. We decided he needs to get his shit together, and he needs to make some decisions by himself. We don't need to be around for him to walk all over us in the meantime.
So, everything is official, I'm going to register in the lovely school district of The Promised Land where my grandmother lives. (Plus, my therapist's office is right downtown-- How convenient!) We were moving out of our house anyway, we were house hunting with my dad. So he has to be out of our old house by October, anyway. So, he kind of screwed himself on this one.
Someone said to me, "Wow, that sucks. I kind of feel bad for him." You know what I said? I disagree with you. I used to feel sorry for the man everyday. I'd look at him and I could see he was just miserable, I would be too. He hated his life, his family hated him, he was caught in the downward spiral of addiction. But he received a gift. He went into treatment, ($1000 A DAY treatment, mind you.) he was given the tools he needed to restart. He had his new beginning, his second chance.We all took him in with open arms and forgave him for all the pain he has caused us in the past, and decided to learn to love him sober, his real self. And he threw it all away. So you know what? I'm damn tired of feeling sorry for him. He was given the best tools, he was given more support than anyone could ask for. He had an opportunity for a better, happier, healthier life. Clean and Sober. With a wife and children. And he trashed it. So I'm done feeling bad for him. I have bigger, better things to concern myself with and I will not stoop to his level anymore.
It's upsetting, because he is truly a good man, and a decent father.. Sober. I was beginning to respect and love him again. I guess I should've know better, huh?
All in all, this move is for the best. I'm stressing out, but, it is a healthy decision for all of us.
A big downside is, I won't be able to blog until we get the computer moved in and the Internet up and running, which might not be until the middle of August! :(
I'll miss all my favorite blogs and followers.. Don't forget about me, I'll be back before you know it!
When my mom got home from work, he said something to her and all of a sudden was telling her to shut the eff up because he was a grown ass man and he can do whatever the eff he wants to, and blah blah blah. Suddenly I put two and two together and I realized, oh my god I bet he relapsed.
Before I knew what was happening, my mom, my little sister and I were flying down the freeway on the way to grammy's house.
Grammy's house is now my house. We're all done with the hurting. We decided he needs to get his shit together, and he needs to make some decisions by himself. We don't need to be around for him to walk all over us in the meantime.
So, everything is official, I'm going to register in the lovely school district of The Promised Land where my grandmother lives. (Plus, my therapist's office is right downtown-- How convenient!) We were moving out of our house anyway, we were house hunting with my dad. So he has to be out of our old house by October, anyway. So, he kind of screwed himself on this one.
Someone said to me, "Wow, that sucks. I kind of feel bad for him." You know what I said? I disagree with you. I used to feel sorry for the man everyday. I'd look at him and I could see he was just miserable, I would be too. He hated his life, his family hated him, he was caught in the downward spiral of addiction. But he received a gift. He went into treatment, ($1000 A DAY treatment, mind you.) he was given the tools he needed to restart. He had his new beginning, his second chance.We all took him in with open arms and forgave him for all the pain he has caused us in the past, and decided to learn to love him sober, his real self. And he threw it all away. So you know what? I'm damn tired of feeling sorry for him. He was given the best tools, he was given more support than anyone could ask for. He had an opportunity for a better, happier, healthier life. Clean and Sober. With a wife and children. And he trashed it. So I'm done feeling bad for him. I have bigger, better things to concern myself with and I will not stoop to his level anymore.
It's upsetting, because he is truly a good man, and a decent father.. Sober. I was beginning to respect and love him again. I guess I should've know better, huh?
All in all, this move is for the best. I'm stressing out, but, it is a healthy decision for all of us.
A big downside is, I won't be able to blog until we get the computer moved in and the Internet up and running, which might not be until the middle of August! :(
I'll miss all my favorite blogs and followers.. Don't forget about me, I'll be back before you know it!
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
Day Number Twelve
Name things you do every day.
- Shower.
- Drink water.
- Text :O
- Smile
I lead a pretty average life, haha. Nothing crazy!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Men, men, men, men. Manly men men men
"A boy is a noise with some dirt on it."
Sometimes I wish I were a boy. You can roll around in the mud and mom won't yell over the stain. You wouldn't have to worry about the calories you packed on during your midnight ice cream binge, and if you were, you'd work it off "playing ball with the guys" anyway, no worries. If you were "stretching the truth" to impress a girl, at least you get a few kisses out of it. Girls go to crazy lengths to impress other girls and all we get is back stabbed. Sometimes I just want to hang around in my underwear all day and have it be acceptable. I'd like to be able to cuss my brains out and not be told it's "unladylike" and "a turnoff." Plus, a guy will just punch you if he has a problem. How much easier would that be than the stupid, prissy games girls try to play? The only thing I think I would miss is being able to blame PMS when I'm crabby. You know what, scratch that, not having PMS at all would be worth it.
(P.S. my friend Val works at Big Boy! It's funny, because Val is usually the one to tell me to "act like a lady!" That's the reason I used the Big Boy boy.♥)
Day #11
What can you not live without?
Well, other than the obvious things (e.g. food, water, shelter, clothing) I'd say I'd have a pretty rough time living without paper and something to write with. Creating is sort of my life. I have so many ideas in my head that if I didn't have a way to get them out I think I would most likely explode.
Well, other than the obvious things (e.g. food, water, shelter, clothing) I'd say I'd have a pretty rough time living without paper and something to write with. Creating is sort of my life. I have so many ideas in my head that if I didn't have a way to get them out I think I would most likely explode.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Day 10
What article of clothing do you wear the most?
The ever-controversial fashion item: Skinny jeans!♥
In Washington D.C. |
Partying like a rock star? |
Homecoming float♥ With momma bear. |
With Katelyn |
With Santa! |
When my walls were pink and plastered with posters. |
Before a talent show with Katelyn |
With Vermigs (: |
Preforming in a talent show |
First day of school! |

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I just caught a bug in my hand, and I opened my hand and it was still alive and flew away. So the fluttery little fella is still flapping around the room. >:|
I'm not a miserable person, I'm truly not. I seem like I am on this blog, though. I ought to work on that.
I'm so glad I'm not a vegan, they can't eat ANYTHING! A woman my mom works with asked me to make her delicious vegan cookies and I am in awe that so many foods are not vegan-friendly! It's going to be a challenge. I'll let you know how they turn out. Baking is my favorite.
This post is really about nothing. :D That's okay. I'm down.
I'm going to go drink some tea and watch Intervention all night, bye♥
I'm not a miserable person, I'm truly not. I seem like I am on this blog, though. I ought to work on that.
I'm so glad I'm not a vegan, they can't eat ANYTHING! A woman my mom works with asked me to make her delicious vegan cookies and I am in awe that so many foods are not vegan-friendly! It's going to be a challenge. I'll let you know how they turn out. Baking is my favorite.
This post is really about nothing. :D That's okay. I'm down.
I'm going to go drink some tea and watch Intervention all night, bye♥
♥ |
"If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down."
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Day #9
My favorite quote, and how it relates to my life.
"When there are no enemies within, the
enemies outside cannot hurt you."
If you read my blog you probably could make a pretty good assumption as to why this quote is something I connect with. This is my favorite quote because when I'm having a rough time with my self esteem or with anything, really, And I'm just thinking, "Wow, Lynch, you are such an idiot." or "Wow, you are so ugly." Or like, "Geez, everyone hates you, did you hear what she said?" I just remember that if I love myself first than I won't have as many problems, and the things people say that bother me won't hurt because I am content with who I am.
♥♥ |
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Day Number Eightt
If I had to live off of one food and beverage for the whole rest of my life...
Beverage I'd pick water. Water is my favorite. Plus, you can make other beverages with water (Tea, lemonade, Kool-aid, etc.) I found a loop hole haha! I win!
I don't know what kind of food I'd choose. Maybe hamburgers. Or lasagna. Or sushi. MMM or red lobster biscuits. Can I pick a resturant instead, and only eat food from there? Olive Garden. Om nom nom nom nom.
Beverage I'd pick water. Water is my favorite. Plus, you can make other beverages with water (Tea, lemonade, Kool-aid, etc.) I found a loop hole haha! I win!
I don't know what kind of food I'd choose. Maybe hamburgers. Or lasagna. Or sushi. MMM or red lobster biscuits. Can I pick a resturant instead, and only eat food from there? Olive Garden. Om nom nom nom nom.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
A Dream Within A Dream♥
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
-Edgar Allen Poe
Day 7 :)
How old do you think you act?
I think that I act like a child: I learn new things everyday. I want to take over the world. I have big dreams. I like to learn. I don't take things seriously. I pretend.
Yet, sometimes I act like a typical teenager: I over react. I stress for no reason. I'm a perfectionist. I do things I shouldn't do even though I know I shouldn't do them. I cave under peer pressure.
And from some aspects I act like an adult: I take care of myself. I speak very well. I have good insight. I have mature ideas. I know right from wrong. I think for myself.
So I guess if I were to add those ages together.. I'd be like 50. Haha. That's something to think about.
I think that I act like a child: I learn new things everyday. I want to take over the world. I have big dreams. I like to learn. I don't take things seriously. I pretend.
Yet, sometimes I act like a typical teenager: I over react. I stress for no reason. I'm a perfectionist. I do things I shouldn't do even though I know I shouldn't do them. I cave under peer pressure.
And from some aspects I act like an adult: I take care of myself. I speak very well. I have good insight. I have mature ideas. I know right from wrong. I think for myself.
So I guess if I were to add those ages together.. I'd be like 50. Haha. That's something to think about.
These are a few of my favorite thiiings
Arts and crafts. Baking. Converse sneakers. Learning. Stories brought back from Alcoholics Anonymous. Colors.. Sunshine. Uno. Winning at Uno. Books. Playing doubles tennis with DJ. Useless facts. Fire hydrants. Kick ball. Air conditioning. Taking walks. Movies that make you think. Scattergories. Volleyball in the dark. Building sandcastles. Candles. When snow makes that "crunch" sound when you step on it with your boot. Making people laugh. Seashells. Iced capps from Tim Hortons. Baseball games. Beach volleyball. People who make my brain work when I talk to them. Sunglasses. New York. Grammar. Big dogs. Shampoo. Music. Flowers. Adjectives. "Volleyball season." Art. Black nail polish. Water. Reading poetry. Writing poetry. Minute Made frozen lemonade cups. The zoo. Skinny jeans. Those Swiffer mop things. Christmastime. Polka dots. Painting. Ms. Sleek. Alliterations. Homecoming. Carmel Frappes from McDonalds. Laughing. Flip flops. Red Lobster biscuits. Storms. Figurative language*. Thinking. Bubbles. Office supplies. Downtown Royal Oak. Student Government. Museums. Italian food. Reading. Fireworks. Roller coasters. Book stores. Subway eat fresh. The Nanny. Interesting people. My dogs. Fluffy pillows. Burts bees minty chapstick. Singing. Sleeping. Ticonderoga pencils. Blogging :). Helping. Clothes. Rocks. Paper clip necklaces. Race For The Cure. Underwear. Starbucks ice cream. Bonfires. Shoes. Putting new music on my ipod. Photo booth. Meeting new people. Clever commericals. Wreaking havoc when I go to work with my mom. Makeup. Big breakfasts. Smores. Things that are shaped like hearts.
Monday, July 4, 2011
If I could live anywhere in the world...
I'd choose New York City. It's beautiful, and it's like no where else. There is so much history there, and so much to see and learn and it's just a city to embrace your life in.
The picture on the top of my blog is of NYC. Because I love it there♥
I'd choose New York City. It's beautiful, and it's like no where else. There is so much history there, and so much to see and learn and it's just a city to embrace your life in.
The picture on the top of my blog is of NYC. Because I love it there♥
I picked a picture with Lady Liberty in it on purpose... Happy Fourth (:
Friday, July 1, 2011
I need coffee
If one cigarette takes off 7 minutes of your life when you smoke it
How many do I need to smoke to kill me tonight?
How many do I need to smoke to kill me tonight?
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